For pet owners who have an insurance policy with Agria.
Log in to your account to:
- View your details
- Refer a friend
- View customer offers
- Download policy terms and conditions
For breeders, vets, rehoming organisations or Agria partners.
Log in to your account to:
- Activate 5 weeks free cover
- View performance reports and rewards statements
- Order stock and download online banners
- Manage your litter (breeders only)
- Access the Vet Academy CPD platform (vets only)

Log in to My Account
Log in to My Account to manage your policy, access your previous claims and update your details.
You can also access Agria Rewards and start enjoying the benefits of being an Agria Pet Insurance customer!
Other ways to contact us
If you have a question or require more information, you can contact our friendly, UK-based team.
New policies, cancellations and renewals
New policies
Cancellation or renewals
Open hours
Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Existing policies and claims
Existing policies
Open hours
Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm
Sunday: Closed
Write to us
You can also write to us at the address below.
PO Box 506
M28 8EN
Should you prefer to contact us using the National Relay service, please dial 18002 before our full telephone number.

All our policies come with free 24/7 access to the Agria app
Please ensure you have your policy number when setting up the app.
To speak with a vet, download the Agria app. It is available for you to download from your usual app store and can be used on any smartphone (Android or iPhone), and any other smart device such as an iPad or other tablets.
How to claim
On our claims page you’ll find:
- how to make a claim,
- what information and proof you’ll need to give,
- more information about claiming for different conditions and excess.