Tips for a pet-safe barbecue

Can my dog or cat eat barbecue food?
While it smells for fabulously tempting, meat off the barbecue isn't the best food for them. Overly fatty, processed, marinaded or just potentially undercooked food like chicken, sausages, and burgers can really upset their digestive systems.
If you do decide to slip them a treat, check the ingredients first. A lot of barbecue food contains onion and garlic. Beware! Any member of the allium family is highly toxic to dogs and must be avoided at all times.
And no matter how tempting it is, treats from the barbecue should be given in the house or at least away from the party and your guests – and away from the hot barbecue. This is both for safety and to prevent your dog (or enterprising cat!) from thinking that the guests are worth persecuting for food.
Your aim should be keeping your furry friends at a safe distance from the barbecue, not encouraging them closer.
When it comes to feeding your cat or dog barbecued bones, they are a definite no. They can be very harmful as, when cooked, they become brittle and can splinter. You might feel mean but don't give in to the puppy dog eyes. You can give them a dog-friendly chew instead so they don’t feel they are missing out. Cats can digest raw bones, but not cooked ones, so don't give them anything off the barbie either!
How to stop guests from leaving dangerous things around
The reality is… you can’t!
You can tell your guests that you have a dog or cat and ask them to be careful. Maybe you can provide extra table space to help keep food and drinks out of reach. Leave a bin nearby, so it's easy for your guests to get rid of their leftovers. Ultimately, however, your dog – and cat if they don’t make themselves scarce – is your responsibility.
If you are going to have your dog out and about while you are having a barbecue, you need to be able to watch them 100% of the time. No matter how much you remind your guests about your dog, once the fun starts (and especially if alcohol starts to flow) people will forget, and are likely to leave things lying around – especially children or non-dog owners. It only takes one slip up to be potentially dangerous and it’s easy for dogs to take speedy advantage of plates of leftovers lying around. It can be dangerous for them to get hold of kebab skewers, corn on the cob cores, and meat bones, as they are all choking hazards.
And it’s not just the burgers and the kebabs you need to watch out for. Obviously, alcohol is really bad for dogs (and cats), but do you know sugar-free drinks are also often toxic? As is chocolate, so watch out for plates of half-eaten desserts left where your pet can reach. If a drinking glass gets smashed, clear it up straight away to avoid any cuts to paws.
This might well mean employing a dog playpen, having a dedicated dog minder for the whole day, or else putting your dog in the house while you are distracted with greeting guests and cooking.
How to stop guests from feeding your pets
Again, you can’t! It's way too tempting to feed a dog a treat when they are staring at you lovingly! Avoid any issues by explaining to your guests the reasons why it can be dangerous. But this is a time you need to supervise your dog and, even then, if you think your guests may not follow your advice, it might be best to put your pets away while people are eating.
What are the dangers of the barbecue itself?
The dangers of the barbecue to your furry friends are exactly the same as it is for small children.
When first lit, the smoke is toxic – especially if what you are burning is non-natural. Pets and humans alike should avoid breathing it in. Be extra careful if the fumes blow towards birds and small mammals. Smoke and barbeque fumes can kill them.
Not only are the fumes toxic, but the actual barbecue will be extremely hot to touch from the outside, and be full of hot coals, hot food, and hot ashes. These can all cause severe burns. Keep your pets away from the barbecue until everything has cooled right down and make sure you supervise them 100% or put them in the house until cooking time is over
Is there anything else to be aware of?
The weather! If you are having a barbecue, it's likely to be hot. Your pets, particularly your dog, will want to join in the fun in the garden. They won't necessarily take themselves off to cool down when they start to get overheated. Don’t forget an endless supply of fresh, cold water for them to drink.
Be aware that dogs can become dehydrated or get heatstroke quickly - particularly those with flat faces (brachycephalic), like French Bulldogs and Pugs. This is very serious and it can quickly be fatal. If your dog looks like they are getting hot, put them inside for a rest in the cool. You aren't being unkind; you are potentially saving their life.
If it's a sunny day and you feel the need for sun cream, don't forget your pet! This mainly applies to dogs and cats with hairless patches, white hair, thin fur or pink ears or noses.
If it's a sunny day and you feel the need for sun cream, don't forget your pet! This mainly applies to dogs and cats with hairless patches, white hair, thin fur or pink ears or noses.
It’s good to give your pets a break from the party if they get too excited or stressed. Having lots of guests can be quite overwhelming for your pets. Even though you have lots to do, as a host, you need to make sure any visiting children aren’t bothering your pets too much. Give your pets a safe place to escape when they need it.
Keeping everything safe will make your barbecue much more fun and more relaxing – and by taking the time to think about your pets, they can enjoy it too!
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Last reviewed by expert behaviourist Carolyn Menteith on 9 July 2024.