Sunburn in dogs

Symptoms of sunburn on dogs
Sunburn is just the same as any other burn and in dogs manifests itself in the same unpleasant way as on us humans - the skin becomes red, often inflamed and is painful.
Dogs may them try to relieve the pain by licking themselves, which can worsen the inflammation and cause infection or sores.
Sunburn in dogs is usually seen where there is no hair, thin hair, pink skin, and sometimes in the partings of the coat (especially in white dogs).
And just like humans, too many UV rays can cause skin cancer and so protection is important.
Can you use sunscreen on dogs?
You can definitely use sunscreen on particularly exposed areas of your dog to try and prevent sunburn. This is especially important for hairless breeds such as the Chinese Crested Dog and Xoloitzcuintli (Mexican Hairless) – and for dogs who have pink muzzles, ear tips or thin coats over pale skin.
As well as these areas, use sunscreen on noses, paw pads, ears, tummy and groin areas.
There are special sunscreens for dogs (that will be safe if licked) so make sure you find a good one to have in stock for those rare sunny days if your dog is likely to suffer. Look for a high SPF and most dogs prefer something you can wipe on rather than spray at them!
While sunscreen will give your dog protection, it is important to keep them out of direct sun whenever possible, keeping them in the shade.
White and thin-furred animals are at greatest risk
Pale skinned humans usually burn far more than their darker skinned counterparts, and dogs are the same. In areas where the coat is thin and the skin is unpigmented, such as on the bridge of the nose, the underside of the chest and abdomen, armpits and groin, the risk burning is higher. Dogs with short white fur often get sunburned more easily. This is due to less pigmentation leading to higher sensitivity.
Dark coloured and thick-furred dogs do not escape sun-related problems however, as their colour generates heat to a greater degree. And of course a thick coat heats more than a thin one. So they may burn less but are likely to overheat more easily.
Prevent and relieve sunburn
Make sure your dog always has access to shade, fresh air and water. If, despite staying in the shade and wearing sunscreen, your dog still gets sunburned, talk to your vet about how best way to relieve the pain, heal the skin and make them feel more comfortable.
Last reviewed by expert behaviourist Carolyn Menteith on 9 July 2024.
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- Written by
- Amanda Andersson
- Approved by
- Catarina Eliasson
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About the Author
Amanda Andersson is a content writer Agria Djurförsäkring in Sweden, specialising in animal welfare. Previous experience includes Volvo on Demand, and 60plusbanken in Sweden.
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