How to feed your pet on a budget

Agria supports the Animal Welfare Act 2006, and we're proud to partner with UK Pet Food, who have helped create this guidance.
With the cost of living crisis, we’re all feeling the pinch on our shopping bills, including feeding our pets. Agria proudly supports the Animal Welfare Act 2006, under which an animal has the right to have access to a suitable diet.
So how can pet owners continue to provide for their pets, on an ever-tighter budget?
Don’t compromise on nutrition
Feeding your pet leftovers from dinner, or even preparing food from scratch, is not ideal. Dogs need 37 essential nutrients in their diets to stay healthy, and cats need 40. Dogs can eat some fruit and vegetables, but some are toxic to them; while cats are carnivores and need to get their nutrients from meat. Our leftovers won’t be a proper balance of fats, proteins and calories, and may contain an ingredient which actively harms them. The best solution is to buy a complete animal food carefully tailored to your pet’s needs. And there are good, complete foods on the market to suit a range of budgets.
Seek advice from a vet or pet shop on the best value complete food for your pet’s breed, activity levels and stage of life. Look for food manufactured by a UK Pet Food Member, as they are governed by 50 pieces of legislation so you can be assured their pet food has been formulated within best-practice guidelines.
Keep an eye out for special offers or loyalty discounts. This is really easy online where you can compare value on a £/kg basis. If you have space to store it safely, it’s often cheaper to buy in bulk, either on your own or with a friend. But make sure you will be able to use it before the Best Before date. Compare the different feeding guides of different makes though as some might have a higher density of calories which, although possibly more expensive, means you don’t need to feed as much.
Check the feeding guide on your pet food in case you are feeding it too much, it’s easy to succumb to the sad eyes and we’re not doing our pets or our purses any good if we do. If you’re unsure about your pet’s weight, seek the advice of your vet and always maintain good habits with regular exercise and strict rules on feeding treats.
If you do find a more economical food, gradually make the change from old to new over 4-7 days to avoid tummy upsets.
Food banks
If things have become very difficult, there is some support in the form of pet food banks, see RSPCA and Blue Cross websites to locate the nearest. FareShare, supported by UK Pet Food, also coordinates the distribution of pet food to those in need, and there may be other local schemes near you.
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