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Case Study: Bear the Cockapoo's Story

With the Agria app, you have 24/7 access to expert advice via video call with a vet, completely free! Bear recently made use of this service...

Although size and less moulting attracted Andrea to cockapoos, it was how cute and adorable he was that made her choose Bear, and his resemblance to a teddy gave him his name. She wasn’t quite so prepared for how “completely mental” he was, but he’s calmed down now and is super friendly, chilled, loving everything and everybody.

However, his playfulness got him into trouble on holiday in Cornwall.  He was staying with his best friend Mac, a Border terrier, and they had a day at the beach. Andrea and Mac’s mum were conscientious dog owners, using a cool tent and giving the dogs lots of fresh water. Bear & Mac had a wonderful time, kangaroo-jumping in the sea and playing a great game digging and catching the flying sand.

Soon after leaving the beach though, Bear had liquid diarrhoea, and vomited every hour throughout the night. Bear became lethargic and Andrea was very worried he was becoming dehydrated. Even his friend Mac sensed he wasn’t well and sat with him, comforting him, not trying to get him to play.

Andrea was unsure what to do so far from home. Then she remembered an email she’d had from Agria a few weeks before regarding the new Agria app and, luckily, Andrea had downloaded it straight away, just in case. 

Using the Agria app

Going on the app she realised how incredibly easy it was to use: inputting a detailed description of Bear’s symptoms and uploading a photo which Federica, the vet, had looked at before the appointment. During the video call Federica could actually see how Bear was for herself. 

Andrea says Federica was lovely and gave solid, detailed advice on nursing Bear. She also said to call back again if still concerned and Andrea felt reassured to know that the Agria vets were there for the duration and not just one call. Following the vet’s advice and with Andrea’s dedicated care, within a day or so, Bear was back to normal. 

Andrea wasn’t sure what to expect of the Agria app and whether she would even get hold of someone on a Sunday, so she was “genuinely blown away by the service.” She’s already told quite a few people about it and would definitely use it again as she was “really happy with the fantastic help” she received. But no more seawater smoothies for Bear!

As an Agria Pet Insurance customer, you can speak to a vet completely free whenever you have a question or concern about your pet’s health. Simply download the Agria app for free 24/7 video calls; giving you expert advice to help keep your pet happy and healthy.

Download free from your app store and find out more

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Trustpilot and Defaqto ratings correct at time of print. Agria Pet Insurance has been awarded 'Best Pet Insurance Overall' by The Telegraph. Terms, conditions and excesses apply. Promotions may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Vet fees reinstated each year provided you renew your policy each year without a break in cover.

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Agria Pet Insurance Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Register Number 496160. Agria Pet Insurance Ltd is registered and incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 04258783. Registered office: First Floor, Blue Leanie, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 7QW. Agria insurance policies are underwritten by Agria Försäkring who is authorised and regulated by the Prudential Regulatory Authority and Financial Conduct Authority.

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