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Can dogs eat sweetcorn?

Always check if a new 'human' food is safe for your dog to eat. Sweetcorn appears pretty harmless, but is it? Can you feed your dog sweetcorn?

The answer is yes! But only corn kernels and not an ear of whole corn on the cob. Dogs, like humans, tend to enjoy this popular vegetable. It contains plenty of protein, fibre, and good fats — also, vitamin C and micronutrients, which are essential to your dog’s health.

Do not give your dog corn on the cob

Dogs’ digestive systems cannot process the outer ear of corn on the cob or the actual cob itself. If swallowed whole or in large pieces, it can cause a blockage in the intestinal tract. Every year we handle claims where a dog needs to have a corn cob removed: it is very dangerous as a blockage, and can also be a choking hazard. Don’t risk problems by feeding your dog whole corn on the cob.

What about tinned sweetcorn?

Avoid feeding your dog tinned sweetcorn as it tends to contain salt and sugar, both of which are no good for your dog. Stick to frozen or fresh, cooked corn kernels.

How much sweetcorn can I give my dog?

Nutritionists recommend that any extras you feed your dog should only make up 10% of their diet. A balanced, specifically designed dog food should make up the central part of their calorie intake. With that in mind, keep sweetcorn kernels as a treat! Don’t be alarmed if you see whole kernels in their poo. Just like humans, dogs can’t fully break down sweetcorn.

In summary, dogs can eat sweetcorn but only fresh or frozen kernels and only as a treat!

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