Can dogs eat cucumber?

It’s always tempting to slip your canine friend a little taster straight from your plate, especially when their puppy dog eyes are staring straight at you! But before you do that, it’s always worth checking whether the food morsel is safe for your dog.
We all know dogs can eat meat, but what many people don’t realise is that dogs are omnivores. This means they can eat fruit and vegetables as well. But not all of them! Some types will upset their stomach, and some are, quite simply, toxic.
So, how about cucumber? Can dogs eat cucumber and can puppies eat cucumber? Yes, they can! Cucumbers are a safe and healthy treat for your dog or puppy.
Health benefits for dogs eating cucumbers
Cucumbers are virtually fat-free and have very low sugar and salt levels. This crunchy salad item has hardly any calories, so it’s the perfect treat for any dogs watching their waistlines.
Cucumbers are made up of 96% water, so they are a hydrating treat and great on a hot day. They contain plenty of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the well-being of your dog:
• Vitamin K, C, B1, B5, and B6
• Molybdenum
• Potassium
• Manganese
• Copper
• Biotin
It’s worth mentioning that your dog should get all the nutrients they need from a good quality, complete dog food. Any extras you choose to feed your dog, such as cucumber, should only be regarded as a treat! Vets recommend that treats make up just 10% of your dog’s diet, with the remaining 90% coming from their regular food.
How much cucumber can my dog eat?
There are no hard and fast rules, but it’s best not to give your dog too much cucumber as it could upset their digestive systems. Feeding a whole cucumber is not advised! Keep it to small amounts, and make sure you chop it into tiny pieces so it doesn’t become a choking hazard.
What about feeding cucumbers to puppies?
If your little puppy enjoys the juicy, crunchy texture of cucumber, you can be safe in the knowledge that it is fine to give them a little. As with any new food, introduce it slowly to their diet to avoid upsetting their stomach. Cut the cucumber into tiny pieces to prevent your puppy from choking.
Other useful guides and advice for dog owners about what your dog can and cannot eat:
- What substances are toxic to dogs?
- Can dogs eat chocolate? The reason why chocolate is highly toxic for dogs
- Can dogs eat nuts and which are poisonous?
- Can dogs eat grapes? The reason why grapes are toxic for dogs
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