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Bleeding ear in dogs

Blood ear occurs due to bleeding between the skin and the ear cartilage. Find out signs, symptoms and when to take your dog to the vets.

What does ear bleeding look like on a dog?

When a dog gets an ear bleed, part or all of the earlobe swells up due to filling with blood. If you squeeze the ear, you can feel that it is filled with fluid. Consult your vet for more advice.

Why do dogs get bleeding ear?

The most common reason why a dog gets a bloody ear is often that a dog has an ear infection and has been vigorously shaking their head and scratching their ears. Blood vessels in the ear can burst and the earlobe fills with blood. Bleeding ear usually comes on stealthily over one or a few days.

What you do if your dog suffers from blood ear:

  1. Inspect the ear.
  2. Clean the ear if there is a lot of secretion in the ear canal.
  3. Prevent the dog from scratching the ear, for example by using a collar.
  4. Book an appointment with a veterinarian for an examination.

How to treat ear bleeding in dogs

There are different ways to treat a bleeding ear. If the entire earlobe becomes filled with blood, and it hurts the dog, then the dog may need painkillers. In some cases, the vet can drain the blood-filled earlobe and sometimes perform an operation. If the dog is unbothered, the ear bleed can be allowed to heal without treatment.

In addition to treating the bleeding ear, it is important to investigate and treat the root cause of the dog's bleeding ear.

Complications of ear bleeding

Regardless of the treatment, there is a risk that the ear fills up again and that the ear becomes a so-called 'cauliflower ear'. Cauliflower ear means that the ear is covered with scarring that causes the ear to become thicker, harder and more uneven.

How to prevent ear bleeding

Create a routine where you regularly smell your dog's ears, look for dirt and check for fluid in the dog's ears. Do this to be able to detect changes in the ear at an early stage. Also keep an eye on if the dog starts to scratch the ear.

For more health advice, see our common dog health issues guide as well as signs of pet dental issues and information on obesity and weight management in dogs.

FAQs about bleeding ears in dogs

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Written by
Amanda Andersson
Approved by
Catarina Eliasson
Last reviewed on

About the Author

Amanda Andersson is a content writer Agria Djurförsäkring in Sweden, specialising in animal welfare. Previous experience includes Volvo on Demand, and 60plusbanken in Sweden.

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